1. Leaf Dewa and Turmeric TurmericLeaf Dewa
    Leaf Dewa, benefits: Lower Blood Sugar Lowering Haid Late Summer Cough and Vomiting Blood Tumor Breast Swelling Convulsions in Children Bleeding in Women Sign Wind Eliminate Blood clots in blood vessels Prevent Stroke and Heart Attack Prevention Mild Liver Cancer Liver And Kidney Rheumatic.
    Turmeric Turmeric, indications: Fever Diarrhoea Dyspepsia tonsils Inflammation Inflammation Whitish appendicitis High Blood Pressure Too Late Haid Yellow Fever Hepatitis Gingivitis.(source: carahidup)
  2. Batrawali Batrawali / Brotowali and Leaf Scoop Leaves spoonBatrawali Batrawali, benefits: Strengthens Blood Cleaning And Anti Malaria Anti-Inflammation healing wounds and skin diseases Lowering Blood Sugar Lowering Heat Overcoming Allergies Rashes Acne And Smooth Skin.(source: lintasme)
    Leaf Scoop Leaves spoon, benefits: Deadly Germs Peluruh Sugar Diabetes Hemorrhoids Whitish Yellow Fever Dysentery Urinary Stone Gallstones Inflammation Channel Water Channel Urinary Disorders Breath Shortness Cough Cough Cough Dry Blood Muscle Pain Strong Medicine Man.(source: pulosarinow)

  3. Leaf Greetings bay leaf and Benalu Tea/Tea parasite
    Leaf Greetings bay leaf, benefits: menrunkan High Blood Pressure Lowering Blood Cholesterol Clean Diabetes Heartburn Diarrhea Maag, etc.(source: Hardono)
    Tea parasite, benefits: Helping The Healing of Cancer Pain Pain Lowering High Blood Pressure Kidney Tumor Sweet Peluruh worm pee Pereda Fever Anti-Inflammation.(source: jamuayu)
  4. Sirih Red/Red Betel and Wooden Rapet/Wood Rapet
    Red Betel, indications: Diabetes Mellitus Kidney Stones Hepatitis Liver Inflammation Cholesterol Lowering Uric Acid Prevents Stroke Hypertension Prostate Inflammation Inflammation Eye Fatigue Joint Pain Ulcer Whitish Skin Soften ambeian. (source: idesehatku)
    Wooden Rapet, benefits: Pain After Maternity Disentry Rahim Luka Reduce Risk of Coronary Heart Disease Levels Antioxidant Content of Reducing Cholesterol And Fat Reducing Growth In Blood Vessel Walls.(source: Mahkotadewa)
  5. Pasak Earth Pasak Bumi and White Temu/Temu Putih
    Pasak Earth, benefits: Protects Liver Organ And Liver Damage Increase Sexual Arousal For Men As a tonic for Maternal Fever Swollen Glands Disentry Anti Malaria cytotoxins (Poisoning Sel).(source: pio.uad)
    White Temu, indications: Cervical Cancer Cervical Cancer Vulvar Cancer Skin Cancer Tumor cysts myomas Dysmenorrhea Not Coming Haid Enlarged Heart And Spleen PengobatanRadiasi And Increase The Effectiveness Of Chemotherapy In Cancer Patients.(source: ekioktara)

  6. Pronojiwo Pronojiwo and Crabbed BenefitsPronojiwo Pronojiwo, Pronojiwo Pronojiwo, benefits: As aphrosidiak treat impotence and enhance sexual performance.(source: sogolagro)
    Crabbed Benefits, smooth Circulatory Anti Cancer Anti Toxic Anti Swollen Stomach Bleeding Edema Stopping Cough and Pneumococcal Infection Tonsils Breath And Bone Urethral PatahHepatitis Cervical Cancer Lung Cancer Liver Cancer Wasting Nasopharynx Bronchitis

  7. Liman Benefits and Barucina Benefits
    Liman Benefits, increases Red Blood Pus Spending Accelerates Peluruh Haid Kill Germs Eliminate Anti-Inflammation Swelling Peluruh sputum Urination Peluruh Neutralize Poison Stomach Bloating KeputihanMalaria Chickenpox Influenza Give-Give Hepatitis Sore Throat Tonsils And Mata Influenza Fever Diarrhea Dysentery.
    Barucina Benefits, it is both for fertile womb facilitate childbirth prevent miscarriage mens sick or not smooth uterine cysts sufferers. This herb also digunakansecara synergistic herbs with others to prevent and treat various diseases.

  8. Jombang Indications and Sirih Pinang Efficacy
    Jombang Indications, treating mastitis inflammation of the gall bladder tumors in the digestive systems of breast cancer as well as lung and cervical increasing breastfeeding.
    Sirih Pinang Efficacy, slimming Body Odor Eliminating Whitish Sari Rapet Scent Vaginal Thrush Cleaning And Mucus membrane Collapses

  9. Purwoceng Benefits and Pegagan Benefits
    Purwoceng, overcoming Erectile Dysfunction. Generating hormone Impotent Less Sexual Impotence Sexual Arousal Smooth Circulatory MenambahStamina Warms And Healthy Body Healthy Ingredients Sign Wind Pegal antidiarrheal rheumatic Diabetes Malaria
    Pegagan Benefits, improve Memory Mental And Stamina Strengthen And Increase Endurance And Power Stimulate Brain and Nerves Streamlining Transport Blood In Vein-Tubes Brain Asthma Fever High Blood Urine Cloudy Swelling Hemorrhoids Wormy thypus Ayan Lepra Increase Appetite Busung Hospital Diabetes Stomach Pain Headache throat Swollen Liver Toxicity Liver Jengkol TB Cough And Vomiting Blood nosebleeds Dry Cough Cough Asthma. Improve Blood Circulation On Arm And A Leg To Prevent Varicose And One strand Balancing energy levels And Reduce Symptoms of Stress And Depression Cure Infectious Hepatitis Measles (measles) Inflammation of the tonsil (Tonsillitis) Bronchitis Infection And Stone System Urinary Refreshing Skin Inflammation of the tonsils Strengthening Kidney Function Smooth Diabetes Lowers Soothing heat Rejuvenation Helps cells.

  10. Mimba Efficacy and Turmeric White Benefits
    Mimba Efficacy, tumor Cancer Leukaemia Maag Lever High Blood Pressure Blood Cholesterol Clean Deadly Germs And Prevent Malaria Parasites And Diabetes Dysentri
    Turmeric White Benefits, lowering Blood Pressure Tumor Lever Uric Acid Eliminating Fatigue Diabetes Discharge Helps Organ Function Liver And Spleen Cleaning Blood And Eliminate Blockages Smooth Circulatory and Energy Anti-Inflammation Stomach Bloating Cholesterol Eliminate Pain And Tense In Stomach Dysmenorrhea Not Haid Helping The Cancer Treatment On the Tools reproduction Digestive MenambahStamina And Skin Cancer cells Inhibits Genes And Prevent Damage.

  11. Ciplukan Benefits and Netherlands Teak BenefitsCiplukan Benefits, weak Heart Neutralize Toxic Heat Reducer Bronchitis Sugar Ayan Ulcer Ulcers Mumps Whooping Cough Swollen Prostate. Flu Sore Throat 22. BANGLE Indications: Constipation Obesity Stomach Pain Pain pinworms Yellow Asthma Rheumatic Gout Pain
    Netherlands Teak Benefits, helps Burn Fat Body Slimming Lowering Cholesterol Levels Peluruh Sweat And Smooth Chapter.

  12. Sembung Benefits and Sidaguri Benefits
    Sembung Benefits, smooth and Energy Strengthens Blood Circulation Cardiovascular Diabetes laxative Anti Sweat Peluruh Phlegm.
    Sidaguri Benefits, protect the Liver Organ Heart And Lung Uric Acid Cleaning Miscarriage Peluruh Urinary Anti-Inflammation Peluruh worm Reduce Pain Eczema Asthma Rheumatic Pain Coping Reduce Inflammation.

  13. Mahkota Dewa Benefits and Sambiloto Benefits
    Mahkota Dewa Benefits, helping The Healing Heart Disease And High Blood Helps Overcome Weaknesses Organ Function Liver And Kidney Spleen Smooth Circulatory Assist and Energy PenyembuhanHepatitis Reduces Pain And Inflammation Kidney Cancer Tumors Soothing Rheumatic Gout Diabetes.
    Sambiloto Benefits, eliminates Fatigue Pulmonary tuberculosis typus Whooping Cough Increase Appetite Abscess Urinary Dental Hospital Pegal rheumatic rheumatic Anti-biotic Helps Liver Organ Function Cleaning Toxins In Blood Blood Blood Sugar Fat Cholesterol bidder Eliminate Anti-Inflammation Could Reduce Swelling Fever Kill Germs Strengthens Board.

  14. Temu Black Benefits and The black cumin Benefits
    Temu Black Benefits, strengthens Rahim Increase Appetite Strengthens Board Cleaning Peluruh Sputum Blood flukes Peluruh Prevent Bleeding Rahim Rahim Melorot Postnatal Cleaning Ruling.
    The black cumin Benefits, heart Disease Menstruation Noncurrent Strengthening Gastric ambeian Rheumatism High Blood Cholesterol Uric Acid Anemia Sore Throat Migraines Heart Disorders Diabetes Kidney Liver Lung tuberculosis - Lungs Shortness of Breath Asthma Insomnia Help Treat Cancer Stroke Removing Toxins In The Body.

  15. Temulawak Indications and Meniran Benefits
    Temulawak Indications, hepatitis Ulcer Body Odor Eliminating Constipation Asthma Increase Appetite Strengthens And Protect Liver Organ Strengthening the Body Endurance And Increase Stamina Increase Strengthens Digestion Cleaning Blood Red Blood Cholesterol And Blood Fat.
    Meniran Benefits, strengthens Immune System And Immune Suppressing Excessive Reaction Helps Organ Liver And Kidney Function Lowers Hypertension Hot Fever Dysentery Help Fight Arthritis Pain Swelling of joints Inhibits Growth of Virus Bacteria And Fungtion

  16. Site Dara Benefits and Pearl Grass IndicationsSite Dara Benefits, anti-Cancer Lowering Blood Pressure Blood soothing calming Stopping Bleeding Stroke Diabetes.
    Pearl Grass Indications, inflammatory bowel disease Channel Sperm Dead End Obstruction Urinary Tract Infections Lymphosarcoma Cancer Gastric Cancer Breast Cancer Cervical Cancer Rectal Cancer Nasopharinx Hepatitis Pelvic inflammatory Cholecytitis.

  17. Tuber Dewa Efficacy and Mengkudu Benefits
    Tuber Dewa Efficacy, cleaning And Cooling Blood interrupted Bleeding Stops Blood Clots Blood Pressure Lowering Anti Inflammatory Pain And Swelling Eliminate Cancer Cells Inhibits Tumor.
    Mengkudu Benefits, smooth Process Soothing Body Metabolism And Stabilizes Blood Pressure Blood Sugar And Menstrual Cycle Power Strengthens Digestive System Respiratory Concentration Anti-Inflammation Sexuality Anti Anti-Cancer Pain Cholesterol Depression Lever Streamline and Smooth Skin Smooth Uric Acid Urine Coughing Tumors Helps Healing Process lungs Spleen Heart Disorders lung intestine Sugar.

  18. Tempuyung leaves Benefits and Cat's whiskers Benefits
    Tempuyung leaves Benefits, infections Urinary Stone appendicitis Dysentery Hemorrhoids Neutralize Toxic Heat Reducer Peluruh Urine Stone Crusher High Blood Pressure Sore Breasts Gall Bladder Stone.
    Cat's whiskers Benefits:, Anti-Inflammatory Anti Syphilis Peluruh Anti Diabetes Diabetes Blood Clean Heat Eliminate Back Pain Help Solve Swollen Kidney Stones Scrape High Blood Kidneys And Urinary Infection Lowers Blood Sugar.

  19. Leaf Purple Benefits and Nasty shard Indications
    Leaf Purple Benefits, stop Bleeding Hemorrhoids Constipation Varicose veins Circulatory Smooth Smooth Haid Boils And Swollen Breasts gallbladder Cleaning Rocky Fever Stomach
    Nasty shard Indications, kidney Stone Crusher Peluruh Urinary Bladder Stones Urinary Stone Laxatives Gall Bladder Diabetes Hemorrhoids Constipation

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